Saturday, March 24, 2007

I got you now,

If you're a reader of, you're about to make me your BFF. If you still have a .edu email address, there's a student/teacher deal that gets you the "Times Select" (paid subscription) material for FREE. Get all the Maureen Dowd, Paul Krugman and archives your heart desires, via The Consumerist. Don't know about yous guys, but I frequently abuse my student ID card for movies and such, even though I graduated nearly 6 years ago. Asians age well, what can I say?

p.s. The Consumerist is an excellent site for all things corporate-screwed-you-over-and-you-want-revenge. Lots of handy-dandy info.

p.s. For hallucinatory fun without the chemicals, check this out.


Jared said...

I tripped on that. Anyone who does that should be sitting down.

Erick said...

That was fucking nuts! Nice find!